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Problems and Bigger Ones

Fucking insomnia.

It’s that time of year again. Formal is Saturday night in Chicago, and you know what that means: I had to find a date. I’m taking Chelle. A splendid time is guaranteed for all, even though her boyfriend comes back from Iraq on Monday or so. And I’ll probably spend most of the […]

Spring Break

Wow, what a week. Being in St. Louis is fun, of course, probably mostly because I’m not at school. At the same time, it’s brought to light some things that are at best unpleasant and may actually be harmful.

Irina and I were talking the other day about how most people are alone and might […]

Hell Week

What if I’ve already gone insane and I didn’t notice?


Fun little site:

create your own personalized map of the USA

They have one that lets you select countries too, but the only countries I’ve visited are the US, France, and Mexico.

Things are definitely looking up in that area, though. My parents are moving to France in December!

Time Flies

Wow, I blinked and it’s March. After this semester I’ll be halfway through with college, or at least I hope so. I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun, and yet I still feel like I’m treading water here. It isn’t even the good kind of treading with the sweatshirt that gets you […]


I guess the majority of you have spring break this week. You’re all lucky bastards. After raining all day yesterday, it abruptly got beautiful this morning. The sun is shining and if the birds would be singing if they weren’t getting blown away by the 45+ knot gusts. So, between the weather and the weekend […]

Hey Ya

It’s been too long, partly because I’ve been sick and partly because I’ve been in kind of a funk. Maybe that’s the same reason; I don’t know. I finished up with this first round of midterms on Thursday and overall I doubt it went very well. I did get back the Statics test today and […]