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“Change of Equipment”: BROKEN PLANE

If a plane leaves Boston at 6:15 with broken landing gear, and the replacement part leaves Detroit at 11:00, what is the probability that I’ll make my 37-minute layover in Cincinnati?


I sketched this in draft form on the back of my canceled boarding pass in Indianapolis, as sort of a nod […]


There’s something that I have to say. Things just aren’t going our way. It’s not you, it’s me. I hope you can see. Have a happy Valentine’s Day!

Roses are red, Violets are blue. In Soviet Russia, Poem writes you!


While I was walking home from class a girl held out a flyer and said, “Love your body.” “Thanks,” I said. “I love yours.”

God, I’m witty.

What are friends for?

A comedy in one act by Sean Terrill

Dramatis Personae: Sean Terrill, a geek and all around device for man’s foibles Ryan Abbott, a slightly less geekish Aerospace Engineering major

Ryan Abbott enters the room of Sean Terrill. Sean sits at his computer furiously blogging.

Ryan: Sterrill, I need a favor. Sean: Yes…? Ryan: Do […]