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Hiatus? They love us!

Obviously I haven’t been updating the blog lately (though there have been some behind-the-scenes upgrades, and hopefully you’ll notice decreased page load times). In lieu of actual content, I thought I’d share some of the reasons why, in order of ascending time-suck.

I fried my video card. A new cooling fan seems to be doing […]

Double Grain-Brew

As I mentioned recently, I’ve been making a conscious effort to branch out and brew some less traditional beers lately. This pair of porters is a good example. The base recipe is the same for both, but one has a substantial portion (30%) of the grist replaced with Briess Cherrywood Smoked Malt, and the other […]

Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone’s trans-solstice festival period is going well. As this will be my first Xmas alone and I’m on a budget, I had to get creative with my decorations.

Fall Classic Tasting Notes

Now that the holiday season is in full swing, I’m finally getting around to posting some tasting notes for the Fall Classic.

The visual appearance is really great. Deep amber with brilliant clarity, despite all the pumpkin in the mash, and an off-white head with excellent retention and lacing. The aroma is predominately of the […]

Ovens and Spices and Squash, Oh My!

Frequent visitors will probably have noticed that I tend to be a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to beer recipes. After all, brewers are discovering new things to do with malts, hops, water, and yeast all the time. That approach does get a bit dull after a while though – especially when one […]

Reverse Mashing 2


Last time I toyed with the idea of “reverse mashing”, I found that an unheated kitchen isn’t a great place to do mashing experiments in the winter. Fortunately, I have a new toy available in the form of an oven with a “Warm” (170°F – 77°C) setting, and so I was able to perform […]

Pass Creek Trail

Thursday, I was able to get away from the brewery a little early, so I finally managed to get in a hike I’ve been trying to do all summer. Pass Creek Trail runs from Coal Bank Pass up to join the Colorado Trail. From the junction, there’s a quick but treacherous spur that runs most […]

Burning Beers

Oh yeah, good stuff. Especially in cans. Labels were ordered today!

Practically a Mini-Mash

At 335 pounds, Tuesday’s grain bill (for our next seasonal, a Smoked Vienna Lager) was the smallest I’ve done yet. It’s remarkable how much more smoothly the brew day goes when you only have two-thirds the usual amount of grist to deal with…

Until the backflow valve on a sump pump broke and I spent […]

Ah, Spring

Why, what’s your weather like?

Actually, once the fog burns off this will probably be a really good day to ride the train. Indoor car, though.