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Some thoughts on Dublin:

They drive on the left – no, really. This is easy to think about in the abstract, then you get here and keep stepping off curbs, or “kerbs”, looking left.

There are no street signs. This is not literally true, but most corners don’t have them and when they do they’re mounted on the second floors of buildings.

I spent most of yesterday wandering aimlessly around downtown Dublin, so this morning I got up early with the intention of heading for Trinity College. On the map, this looks like a wide open green space, which it is, only entirely surrounded by buildings. So I spent most of an hour trying to find a way inside. Eventually I made it and found a bench and ate lunch in the sun and marveled at air travel and the fact that I graduated just five days ago. In the afternoon I went to the National History Museum, which is free, but was too tired (and maybe a bit drunk from lunch) to really enjoy it, so I came back to take a nap, then went to Temple Bar (the district, not the bar) with some Spaniards and an Eye-tye, and now it’s about midnight, which very much feels like 7:00 PM to me, and I’m waiting for Yuri to show up.

Dublin on a Thursday morning

Dublin on a Thursday morning




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