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In case anyone was wondering what I’ve been doing in stead of blogging, here’s (part of) the answer. I finally got around to revamping the Silverton Brewing Co. website. It’s now 100% Flash-free, and 100% grammatically correct (probably). Also, I don’t know if you’ve ever poked around in some HTML source that was generated by at least three people using at least two WYSIWYG editors, but I definitely earned my Wheaties today.

7 comments to Sup?

  • SPAM

    I know I’m not the first person to tell you this, but… it’s ODDLY small, funny looking, and overall unimpressive.

  • PaulHilgeman

    I agree, it is weird, I liked the old one better.

    For example, go to ‘Beers’ When you scroll through the list, the text of the beer descriptions overlays over the “Beers” in Orange.

    Also some of the images are poorly scaled… look at the logo on the main page.

    “News” and “Contact” buttons are above eachother, which looks weird.

    The main selection buttons “News” “Contact” “Beers” etc. all have grey backgrounds that follow through to other pages. When the background changes colors, these buttons look weird.

    Also when you link to the blog page, the whole theme changes a bit, they should feel more integrated IMO.

    • Paul,

      Thanks for the feedback. What OS and browser are you using? The wrapping of the navigation links is definitely a bug, and one that didn’t crop up in any combination I tested. As for everything else, I don’t have access to the source images, only the small low-resolution ones from the old site, and I don’t have the photographic skills/equipment to recreate them. That’s also why the text overlaps: the headings are part of the images. So for the time being at least, the overall look and feel is out of my control.

      The priority for me was to update the site to be standards-complaint. The old site used Flash not only for the navigation bar, but to set up scrollbars, so the site was essentially useless on a mobile phone. Given that half of our sales are to walk-in tourists, that was a big concern.

      Integrating the blog will definitely be done in the near-term. Actually, in the medium-term I’d like to change webhosts and move the whole thing to WordPress, but that’s another thing I don’t control. The blog hasn’t been updated in a year, so I don’t know how much of a priority that is anyway.


  • Ryan Abbott

    I know it’s probably still a work in progress, and actually quite simple and nice for a chop job update, but that damn pop-up every time you go back to the homepage asking if I’m 21 is killing me… COOOKIES!

  • Harold

    I like the website: good content, welcoming. Too small though – tiny window on a good site.

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