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WTF Is Going On?

So, yeah, it’s been a while. Long story short, I am now the Head Brewer at Silverton Brewing Co. Long story slightly less short, I’m also the only brewhouse employee for the time being. A 70-hour week means I managed a day off. I’m planning a minor shift in focus in that direction, blog-wise. There are a lot of tips and tricks that professional brewers will find helpful, and home brewers may not.

I know that most of you come here to drink from the cup of home brewing glory, and rest assured I have been able to sneak the occasional batch in this spring/summer. I’m going to get all those recipes and tasting notes up in the next few days. There’s also some really fun stuff in the pipeline for the fall as well, including my first recipes using Brettanomyces. Stay tuned.

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